Welcome back to CASUAL FRIDAYS! Our weekly, one microphone recording series!
Today marks the completion of one full year of posting single microphone recordings every week. We've been lucky enough to have some truly beautiful and amazing songs performed by all kinds of wonderful bands and individuals from around the country.
This week we welcome home Jordan Blackmon of Pussy Wizard playing a song we released on a 7″ split along with Pandercakes earlier this year.
Although the weekly part of this project is done, we're working on a way to commemorate all the wonderful recordings and drawings we've acquired, and I'm sure they'll creep up every once in again as we make new friends and record more songs of them playing. Thanks so much to everyone who has listened, shared, or played a CASUAL FRIDAY for us this year. Here's looking to all the growth and progression we're facing in 2014.
Forever with love,